A lenguage

 Hello everyone, good morning. Today, once again, it's a Wednesday blog post, and I will talk to you about my journey in learning the English language. Well, my initial exposure to this language was in my school, as we had English as a subject from a young age. The truth is that I found it quite easy to understand and practice. I had this subject from 1st grade to 12th grade. Then, in 7th grade, we were divided into two levels of English: advanced and intermediate. I always, and I mean always, stayed in the intermediate level haha. I couldn't seem to move up because I was quite disorganized in class, so sometimes I didn't understand what we were doing. But in high school, I became more serious about it. We had written tests, oral presentations, quizzes, and more. Besides, I got along well with my English teachers over the years, so I enjoyed it.

Outside of the classroom, currently, I sometimes converse with my boyfriend in English, and he is quite knowledgeable, so he helps me if I make a mistake. I also listen to English songs, read their lyrics, and then translate them. Sometimes I watch movies or series in English, but that's a bit more challenging for me. I believe that English will definitely be necessary in my future career because I know I will be surrounded by people from different languages. Speaking of English culture, I'm impressed by English architecture. It's incredible, and you can see the influence of various architectural styles like Romantic, Gothic, Renaissance, among others.

see u in the next blog, xoxo 



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