Torres del Paine

 Hello everyone on this blog. Today I will tell you about Torres Del Paine, a magical and beautiful place. I went to the towers in 2021, in August if I remember correctly. A bit of historical context, they are located at the southernmost tip of Chile, in the Region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica. It was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1978 and is considered the most important national park in Chile. Its main attractions lie in the spectacular nature of its terrain, mountains, glaciers, lakes, and the flora and fauna that make it an ideal site for ecotourism and adventure sports.

When I went, there were three of us: my father, my older brother, and myself. It was a trip of literal connection and disconnection. Since I was a child, we have been taking these trips to the extremes of the north or south, and this was definitely one of the most attractive and beautiful ones. I fell in love with its flora and fauna; everything was beautiful, and I felt like I was breathing clean air. There was a lot of snow, and it was one of the few times I had seen snow. I was fascinated by the animals and the huge glaciers. Touching the water was incredible; it was very cold but refreshing.

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We stayed in a very friendly hostel, and we also went out at night. The activities we did there were basically tourism, riding on large boats to reach the glaciers, and hiking. I loved seeing the entire landscape because everything was beautiful. There was a terrible wind, and of course, an unbearable cold. Well, I think it was one of the best trips within Chile; I loved it, and besides, I was with very pleasant company. See you, bye!


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