September 18 !

 Hello everyone on this new, once again cloudy and cold day. The patriotic holidays have come to an end :( very sad!! But we enjoyed them like never before.

1. Cooking: With my family, we cooked traditional food almost every day to our liking, and it was great. We ate a lot and were very happy with the results. We usually prepared dishes for the family during lunchtime. Obviously, we needed more than a few hands because there was quite a bit of food, and we were five people, but we had an incredible time, eating empanadas like crazy and having a great time.

2. Sleeping: I love to sleep, and I would give anything for it right now. Besides that week of rest, I rested a lot. Last week, most days, I stayed at home, doing nothing but pampering myself with my pets and watching Netflix. I slept approximately 9 hours a day and even took a nap, so quite a few hours, haha.

3. Seeing my friends: It's quite challenging for my group of friends from outside the university to get together because we are all in different universities and schedules. So, for this 18th of September, it was the main thing we did: talking like never before and enjoying some "terremotos" (a Chilean drink). It was a pleasant stay, and I missed them a lot. We even cried together, haha. Love.

4. Organizing my room: Uff, it's a mess, especially my closet. So, I took advantage of these "vacations" to organize myself mentally and physically, such as my room. I can't stand having a messy room; it really bothers me. So, I delved deep and cleaned up my closet to make it easier to see my clothes, haha. It took me about 8 hours to finish everything.

5. Spending time with my boyfriend, as always, taking advantage of seeing each other and spending the holidays together. It was a good week of rest; I didn't do anything related to university, but I don't regret it at all. That's been my blog for today; see you later!


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