
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2023

A festival

Hello everyone on this new day of the blog. Today I will talk to you about a concert that, in that year, was one of my favorite artists. It's about Bad Bunny's concert, which had two opportunities that year, on October 28th and 29th, 2022. I attended on the second date, which happened to coincide with my birthday, so it was an incredibly amazing experience. I was accompanied by my older brother, who is three years older than me, and we shared that liking for our favorite artist. We were also with his friends from university, so we were a large group. We bought tickets for the general admission area, and since I was short, I could hardly see anything because we were way at the back. But well, at this concert, I remember being full of adrenaline. I was very anxious for it to start because we had arrived very early so that we wouldn't be too far away. Unfortunately, it was crowded around lunchtime, and the concert started around 9 in the evening, I believe. When it was about t

An interesting trip

 Hello everyone on this new rainy day. In this post, I will tell you about a beautiful trip I took in the summer of 2023. I went to Europe for the first time with my boyfriend. We first arrived in Barcelona and stayed at his aunt and uncle's house. From the moment we arrived, everything was perfect; it truly felt like another world. We spent several days exploring almost all of Barcelona, a city full of joy and excitement on every corner. It amazed me how interested people were in fashion here. It was beautiful how people's personalities were reflected through their clothing. There was a street called Paseo de Gracia where all the luxury stores like Prada, Chanel, Cartier, etc. were located, and well-dressed people casually strolled with their shopping bags – something we don't see in Chile due to the risk of theft. We visited many cultural monuments and architectural wonders, like Gaudí's creations. His works are stunning and heavily inspired by organic and natural for

Hello English 4 !

 Hello everyone, my name is Romina Homel, but you can call me Romi. I'm a design student in my second year. I haven't decided yet whether to specialize in industrial, graphic, or integrated design. I'm passionate about everything related to fashion. Outside of university, I focus on styling for various occasions such as photoshoots and editorials. I have little time left to decide my specialization, but whoever chooses that I want to combine it with fashion. Speaking about my personal life, I live with my mother and my brother. I have a total of 3 siblings, and one of them lives with my father. I attended a school near my home where I formed wonderful friendships. Coming to this university, I've met some really lovely people whom I adore. I have 2 dogs and a cat, their names are Alemdra, Miel and Chumi. They are very adorable and affectionate, at 3 I adopted them and I do not regret anything.                                         As for my dream, I would love to trave